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Our mission is to create, in places and industries, the conditions for more dynamic businesses to start and grow


PolicyDepartment was founded by Mike Spicer in early 2020 as a unique type of consultancy within the economic development sector. Our work concentrates on the business-centered interventions that drive economic growth in places and industries.

Since our start during the COVID pandemic, we have worked on post-lockdown economic recovery plans in local business populations across the UK; the design of special economic zones; system reviews of publicly-funded business support; economic reviews and strategies; primary research into business behaviours like tech adoption and skills needs; and support for business-led campaigns for infrastructure investment.


PolicyDepartment's approach is to integrate three functions that, all too often, work at cross-purposes when working separately for places and industry sectors.


We are economists and researchers: we know our way around the data and the frameworks relevant to appraisals, evaluations, and policy design, such as the Treasury Green Book.


We are strategists and public funding experts: we know what it takes to bring together disparate stakeholders around a shared plan - and get it funded.


And we are experienced in government and public affairs: so we know how to communicate for impact.  

We bring together leading expertise in economics, enterprise policy, qualitative and quantitative research, economic development funding and public affairs. Read more about our multi-disciplinary network of advisers. We publish what we learn in briefings and our leading podcast LED Confidential


What makes us special is that we work across functional divides. We provide end-to-end insight and support for our clients. We can analyse problems but campaign for the solutions too. We work with associations, government, leading consultancies, investors and many more to build stronger business communities.

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